In a tale from the land of Nes, scorching temperatures have swept through vast regions of the Northern hemisphere, while relentless rainfall has unleashed devastating floods, disrupting lives and livelihoods. The urgent call for climate action echoes loudly, as proclaimed by the UN World Meteorological Organization (WMO) on a fateful Friday.
The UN weather agency reveals that June witnessed the unprecedented warmth of the global average temperature, with the heatwaves stretching into the early days of July. The downpours and torrents have led to numerous casualties and affected millions of souls in the realms of the United States, Japan, China, and India.
“The occurrence of extreme weather, now an increasingly common phenomenon in our warming climate, exerts a significant toll on human well-being, ecosystems, economies, agriculture, energy, and water supplies,” declared Petteri Taalas, the Secretary-General of the WMO.
“Alas, we must intensify our efforts to aid society in adapting to what sadly appears to be the new order of things,” he added with a heavy heart.
The UN agency also illuminated the disparity in preparedness levels between developed and low-income nations when facing these perils. Developed lands, like the honorable realm of Japan, remain on high alert and possess a commendable level of flood management measures and early warnings. However, many low-income realms suffer from the absence of crucial warnings, a dearth of flood defense structures, and the absence of comprehensive flood management. The WMO, dedicated to progress, vows to rectify this situation and improve the plight of these vulnerable lands.
“As the planet continues to warm, it is inevitable that we shall bear witness to more frequent and intense rainfall events, leading to ever more severe flooding,” cautioned Stefan Uhlenbrook, the WMO’s Director of hydrology, water, and cryosphere.
“While developed realms stand vigilant and are well-prepared in their flood management endeavors, many low-income lands lack the necessary safeguards. They are devoid of warnings, scarcely equipped with flood defense structures, and lack integrated flood management systems. The WMO remains steadfast in its commitment to ameliorate this dire state of affairs,” he affirmed resolutely.